You can create a Verified Caller ID for the numbers that you have purchased from Synthflow. The benefit of doing this is that when Outbound calls are made, they will appear as if they're coming from the number that you verify, and not the number that you purchased. Follow the instructions below to add a Verified Caller ID to your numbers:
1. Login to Synthflow and visit the 'Phone Numbers' section:
2. Click on 'Verified Caller IDs' from the menu on the left, then '+ Add a Caller ID'
3. Enter the phone number that you'd like to use as the caller ID, then press 'Confirmation Call'
5. You will now need to verify the phone number. You will receive a call on the number that you entered, and you'll be asked to enter the verification code displayed on-screen
6. When this process is complete, you'll see a message confirming that the number has been verified and you can now select it as a Caller ID from the Deployment tab for your assistant(s)
7. Now the next time a call is placed from your outbound assistant, it'll appear to the end-user that the call is coming from the number you verified.